absence makes the heart grow fonder…hopefully

kastanjat beanie

so here’s the deal guys…i have really let this site go for way too long without updating/moving forward on this whole blogging/podcasting venture.

not that i’m wanting to feed you excuses but planning a wedding and having a full time job has almost completely eaten up my ambition and not to mention my time. [don’t worry i’ve had plenty of time for stress knitting and fun having in there as well. *see instagram account for proof :)]


i thought i’d do a little bit of an update for anyone out there who’s actually following my knitting ventures.  i’m getting married next weekend [finally!], heading to key west to enjoy a quick honey moon with the hubby the following week, and then [at long last] i am going to be sitting down and structuring this in such a way that i can consistently be posting projects updates/cast ons and blog posts as well as film and post my first “LegacyKnitz” podcast.

scalloped shawl

all of these goals have been a long time coming and i feel like i have dipped my toes into this fiber filled world just enough to understand my capacity and the general direction i want this site to go in. SO, this is my plea for y’all to stick with me as this momentous time in my life starts to wind down and my regular schedule begins to be established.  i promise you it will be worth the wait.

signing off as chelsea stokes and will be back shortly as chelsea zachorewitz ❤


needles up people, click clack!

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